Tier 1 (Core)

0-80 Hours Accrued

Pay rate = $9.50/hr

Prerequisites: None


During the accrual of eighty (80) hours of recorded work-time, employees are expected to learn, acquire, and adhere to criteria - basic concepts and responsibilities - of the position which are listed below.

After an employee has accrued eighty (80) hours of recorded work-time:

  1. They will begin to be scheduled on shifts alone, and will be responsible for all tech-related issues during their assigned shift; 
  2. They become ELIGIBLE to test or demonstrate the skills, concepts and responsibilities listed below; and
  3. They may request to be tested via a one-to-one skills test, and a written test.

Upon successful completion of a one-to-one skills test and written test, the employee will advance to Tier 2, where they will receive an increase in hourly wage, and will be expected to learn, acquire, and adhere to the next criteria.  Success is defined as an 80% or higher combined score.


Criteria for Tier 1



  1. Know the entire Job Description Document
  2. Know the entire Employee Expectations document
    1. Know the Dress Code
    2. Emergencies during shifts
    3. Know your shift assignments:
      1. Shift date and time
      2. Shift location
      3. Special shift info/notes
  3. Know the main KUB Professional Staff
  4. Humanity:
    1. Know how to clock-in/out for shifts
    2. Know how to request and cancel leave: Vacation, Sick time, full and partial days
    3. Update special info, user defined fields
    4. Confirm mobile number
  5. eTime: Know how to enter and approve your worked shifts in eTime for payment
  6. What to HAVE ON YOU AT ALL TIMES while working:
    1. BU Student ID
    2. Building keys
    3. KUB Work ID
    4. Working, powered on, volume up walkie talkie
  7. Policy on food and drinks on or near equipment.
  8. Policy on food at events.
  9. Compressed schedules / class cancellations


  1. Obtaining, reading and interpreting daily building reports
    1. Difference between KUB AV Media and KUB AV Media - Special
  2. Obtaining, reading and interpreting setup diagrams
  3. How to access reports and information on EMS.
  4. Reading, interpreting, and writing shift reports

Communication & Access

  1. Walkie talkie codes and communications protocol
  2. BU ID key card access
  3. Keys and access
  4. Combinations
    1. equipment storage
    2. equipment security cables
  5. Accounts, Passwords, and Combinations
    1. Tech Office Computer
    2. kublaptop account (for IMP stations and laptops)
    3. Equipment storage combinations
    4. Equipment security cables


  1. Be able to identify all of the technical equipment.
  2. Cables
    1. Cable types/terminology and use
    2. Cable length colors
    3. Running cables
      • Safety
      • Aesthetics ("Make it look pretty") - Hide as much cable as possible
      • 3-5ft of slack at both ends
      • Against walls
      • Parallel to electrical cables and at least 6 inches apart
      • Straight lines, 90 degree angles
      • At podiums
    4. Taping cables
    5. Wrapping cables using only Over-Under method
  3. The storage locations for:
    1. Cable Ramps
    2. LED TVs
    3. Handy Herman personnel lift
    4. Bingo Machine
    5. Auxiliary AC Power Snake for Ballroom
    6. Par LED lights and auxiliary lighting
    7. Inflatable projection screen
    8. Carts, Hand truck, Flatbed (and know differences in use among them)
  4. Wireless mics:
    1. Operation
    2. Setting in rooms- on lectern vs. mic stand.
    3. Changing batteries
  5. Tools:
    1. Know storage locations
    2. Return all tools

Systems Operation

  1. Operation of all IMP Stations
    1. Conference rooms 226, 343, 409, 410, 411
    2. Fireside Lounge
    3. Hideaway
    4. Multicultural Center
    5. Multi A&B
  2. Operation of Ballroom Systems:
    1. House Lighting
    2. Shade control
    3. House Sound system
      1. Presentation Mode
      2. Performance Sound
      3. Movie Mode
  3. Tab open doors


  1. Difference between feedback, hum, and buzz
  2. AC
  3. Backdrop
  4. Buzz
  5. Cue
  6. CAT 5e, 6
  7. Downstage
  8. Dress Rehearsal
  9. Feedback
  10. FOH
  11. Frequency
  12. Gobo
  13. Handheld (mic)
  14. House
  15. House Left / Right
  16. Hum
  17. IMP Station
  18. Input
  19. Lavaliere / Lapel
  20. Upstage
  21. Setup
  22. Stage Left / Right

Equipment / Event Setups

  1. Play music from a laptop in Ballroom without video
  2. DI box for playing music from a personal device
  3. Properly power on/off Ballroom Theatrical lighting
  4. Program Board Movie (any KUB location)
  5. Presentation PC and Projector cart setup, troubleshooting, and operation
  6. Laptop setup:
    1. in Ballroom,
    2. information tables in KUB,
    3. reservations outside of KUB
  7. PB Bingo
  8. Campus Outreach

What's in Ken's Office

^ Indicates that this gets returned to Ken's office IMMEDIATELY after use, always.

  1. Gaff tape
  2. New batteries
  3. Old batteries
  4. Broken Equipment
  5. Tools ^
  6. Label makers ^
  7. CineLink ^
  8. iPad s^
  9. CDs for background music ^