Shift reports are MANDATORY. You must Send reports AFTER or AT THE END of EVERY shift. Do not send shift reports until your shift has ended or is about to end.
The philosophy behind Technical Crew scheduling is that the work done by employees cascades to the other shifts. This is used as a check and balance system to ensure that an event is going to go smoothly with no problems. We want to solve the problems BEFORE the event attendees even enter the room or realize that there was/is a problem.
Shift reports are sent from the stkubtech [at] bloomu [dot] edu email. If you have logged into one of the staff computers in the Tech Crew office using stkubtech, then simply open Microsoft Outlook. You will be able to create a new message for a shift report.
If two people are on the same shift, then only one shift report needs to be sent, but both persons’ names must be in the shift report.