Use photos. Take a picture of the problem with your phone and use it in the shift report to better describe the problem.
Be Concise and use details.
For instance, the statement Checked on ballroom because of problems with the projector should be expanded to provide details. What happened next? What was the problem? Was it really a probably with the projector? Was it solved? What did you do to attempt to solve the problem (and no, saying “I don’t know”, it’s equivalent, or doing nothing IS NOT a solution)?
Add information from e-mails, previous Tech shift reports, Student Supervisor reports, conversations, issues, etc.
Add information to the reports as soon as you receive relevant information. Do not wait until the end of your shift to try to remember things and to write the entire report. Take notes or write down important information.
Be specific.
Avoid using words, word tenses, and statements that can easily be misinterpreted or that can mean more than one thing.
Include items left by building users (USB drives, CDs, DVDs, etc.). Check equipment. Turn the lost property in to Lost & Found at the Welcome Desk.